Ten Little Known Rumors Concerning George W Bush

George Bush has been blamed for everything from the Gulf War to the collapse of the World Economy.  Could a man, said to have ties with Yale University’s most secret alliance,  the former sovereign holder of the world’s most powerful office, and  Commander-in-Chief of theworld’s most powerful military;  be responsible for wreaking so much havoc upon mankind?   Many who know him best – say “You never know?”  

 Critics say there are unexplored gaps in his life – time spans where his activities can not be verified.  Many speculate that unexplored closets exist and that behind those doors we would find shocking revelations.  Dark secrets cloaked from the view of the people who  trusted him with their livelihood – their very existence.   Listed below are ten little known rumors that have been linked to the man – G W Bush – and his murky past:

  1. Only character suspect included in newest version of the board game: CLUE
  2. Listed as “Father” on Berry Osama’s birth certificate.
  3. Blocked the promotion of Colonel Harlan Sanders to the rank of General because of KFC’s stance on gay rights.
  4. Continued to hang around the White House between his dad’s Presidency and his own, living the secret life of a transgender cross dresser.   Notable aliases: a White House intern, nightclub starlet, and an Arkansas state government employee.
  5. Hid the official US federal government checkbook, forcing Berry O to use Joe B’s personal Master Card to run up the national debt by 4 trillion dollars. 
  6. Mysterious 2nd gunman in Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory – actually it was Cheney, but Bush was the one to double dog dared him.  The two were inDallas, attending a Junior Republican national recruiting event.
  7. First person (not Smokey) to transport 400 cases of Coors beer, east of the Texas state line.  Beer run was for a Skull & Bones  bash.
  8. Has Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde split personality.  Though alter ego personality is unknown – the most likely suspects being Harry Reid, Donna Shalala, or Cesar Milan.
  9. Ghost writer, not Bill Ayers, of Osama’s best seller: Dreams From My Father.
  10. Actually, the one who   “stole the milk money” in Stand By Me.


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