Can Not Find a Witness

Last night while people were going all about their business,
A most unusual happening occurred; but no one can find a witness.
In a flash of light, deep in the night, in the twinkling of an eye;
The grave did heave, and the spirits leave, shooting upward through the sky.
The sin of man grew out of control with Christ’s Church now called home.
Satan and his man rolled out their plan; granted total freedom to roam.
Seals, and trumpets, and viles; man wondered where it all came from.
The wrath of God now at a boil; but there was more to come.
And man still sinned as Satan grinned, cause no one could find a witness.

Then God sent Two to minister the Jew, and now there was a Witness.
The Messiah now known. The Christ, they’re shown.  The Jew boldly gives his life.
Snatched from above, protected by love, they’re sealed from the four angles strife.
Now the white horse appears, announcing the removal of tears to all who have been a witness;
But only to the Witness – only to the Witness.
Late last night in a burst of light – no one could find a witness.
The grave did heave, and the Spirit leave, shooting upward through the sky.
Man was told, but his heart’s grown cold to God’s gift of Salvation and Grace.
As the Saints have flown, their influence gone; they’ve vanished without a trace.
That’s why no one could find a witness.

                                               S. A. Collins

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