5 Factors Blocking a Championship at Georgia: Factor #1

Factor 1: Senior Classes Refuse to Take Ownership of Their Team

The saying is that “Defense Wins Championships.” However, I believe Senior leadership trumps defense. There has been no sign of a Senior class taking ownership of a team at UGA since the departure of David Greene, David Pollack, and D. J. Shockley. Before UGA ever wins another football championship, senior ownership of the team must be reestablished and nurtured by the coaching staff.

At the end of each season there should be a tradition within the program to pass ownership of the team from the current senior class to the incoming senior class. This should be a team event witnessed by incoming freshmen, freshmen, and sophomores. Each year, the senior class should assume responsibility of the class. The seniors should set the example for the lower classmen by their own actions and behavior; and enforce the standards and traditions passed to them by their predecessors. The senior class leaders should ensure all team members are attending class, following the prescribed off season strength and conditioning program established by the coaching staff, and be especially keen of questionable “off field” activities which their teammates may be drawn into or involved in.

Partly due to NCAA restrictions, busy scheduling, recruitment, and even a “see no evil – hear no evil” attitude, the coaching staff is largely incapable and somewhat unwilling to police individual player behavior. Normally by the time the coaching staff becomes involved, the damage is done. Most often in real time, players know what other players are up to and involved in. Unfortunately however, in this “me first” generation; most sporting teams across the country have no true team comradely. Players migrate to various cliché or packs; and connect with the individuals of that faction – with the dominate member providing the leadership and direction of the group. In most cases, the team ends up being an assembly of various factions – all chasing their own self-interest and goals. Team goals are secondary and coaches aren’t viewed as the pack leaders – more as predators who are a threat to the pack. Coaching staffs are oblivious or indifferent to these bubble groups which comprise the true character of the team.

Soldiers operate under a code of conduct. Proper conduct is necessary in order to maintain disciple. Disciple is essential for success. Success means to live to see another day. These warriors mature in an environment starting with their entry into the military, where trust in your wingman to instinctively do the right thing at the right time and always have your back become second nature. And to that end, soldiers have established a way of enforcing and maintaining that code amongst themselves.

Therefore; the first step in winning championships is for players to realize their own responsibilities to themselves and their teammates, and for the seniors to assume that role of ownership and accountability of the team in which they’ve been entrusted.

Read Factor 2

Read Factor 3

Read Factor 4

Read Factor 5

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