No Man Knows the Hour

The previous post addressed a relationship between Rosh Hashanah (Festival of Trumpets) and the Rapture of the Church. For some time, I have been convinced that there is significant Biblical evidence in the Holy Scripture to logically consider the fifth Jewish holiday as the likely time for the Rapture to occur. Let me emphasis that this is not date setting.  But at some point in the near or distant future when that first slither of the New Moon appears somewhere on earth and Festival of Trumpets commences, a strong Biblical case can be made that the Rapture could occur in that instant.

When making this argument to most Believers, the standard response is to quote some form of the scripture text found in Matthew 24:36. And I adamantly agree that the Holy Scripture plainly states that, to paraphrase, “No man knows the hour or the day of His return.”   Actually, that thought is emphasized several times throughout the later part of the chapter.  And each day should start with the hope and prayer that “Today is the day, Lord, which you call us Home.”

But even with that hope and prayer, I’m still drawn to the fact that the next unfulfilled prophetic event and the Fall’s first celebration seem ordained to overlap somewhere in the future.  But as the apostle John stated in the next to the last verse of the last chapter of the last book of the Bible – Rev 22:20 “. . . Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

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