Chick-fil-a: Keeper of the Key for a Door Since Removed

Recently, gay activist groups poured out  their wrath  against Chick-fil-a.  A plethora of ambitious supporters quickly joined the battle, launching a relentless barrage against the family owned business.   Their message: Do not dare to carry a banner representing your moral standards or Biblical convictions onto the public forum – when those opinions cast an unfavorable light on the gay lifestyle, same-sex marriage, or Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender (LGBT) agenda.

Most Americans do not possess the moral fabric, draping the Cathy family. The general public has yielded to the constant pressure and accepted the homosexual lifestyle as just another standard of living in today’s society.   Over the past twenty-five years, the media and entertainment industry have lulled, or bullied, mainstream American into submission.  Movies, television, and the Internet have flipped the perception of the country’s mid-twentieth century mindset concerning the gay lifestyle and same-sex marriage. They’ve indoctrinated and re-educated America’s youth regarding sexual morality, sexual orientation, and their view of the traditional family unit.   Child characters on today’s sitcoms no longer look to their parents for guidance or instruction.  Father no longer knows best – but rather, dad is a doofus.  Three’s no longer company because we’re a Modern Family.

But during Dave Cathy’s interview with the Baptist Press, instead of simply reaffirming his support for the family and the biblical definition of the family unit; what if he had spoken out against genetic sexual attraction (incest) between concenting adult? Would gay activist organizations such as Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and the Human Rights Commission (HRC) have cried out for the annihilation of Chick-fil-a  as a Christ Centered business?  Would the Legacy Media and the Political Left still have jumped on the Bash Chick-fil-a bandwagon, screaming for a waffle fries boycott while terrorizing local restaurant drive-thru employees?  The answer to both questions:  Not likely!  In fact, the substance of the interview would have gone unnoticed by all, with the exception of the regular Baptist Press subscribers.  However; buyer beware!   There’s a riptide in these troubled waters, and American public does not see the undertow for acceptance of the once – most taboo sexual custom in our society.

Several European countries, along with Japan and Brazil, have embraced the concept of genetic sexual behavior between consenting adults.  And these countries have modified their criminal incest laws to accommodate this perceived group of persecuted human rights victims.   Though the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) upheld the conviction of German citizen, Peter  Stuebing, by affirming that neither the privacy nor civil rights of Stuebing were violated under current German incest laws, the court appeared sympathetic  to his plight.  The international court reluctantly agreed that the German law was correct in its stance – the protection of marriage and the family.

But with this logic there seems to be a double standard when applied against consenting same-genetic sexual adult relationships.   If one argues that moral and religious convictions are not a justification for denying homosexuals of their civil and human rights, then that same individual has no grounds in opposing same-genetic sexual adult relationships were the procreation factor has been eliminated. 

Therefore as a result of their adamant support for gay rights and same-sex marriage; HRC Platinum Corporate Partners( American Airlines, Microsoft, CITI, and Nationwide Insurance) , America’s politically correct public office holders, and the Legacy Media can not, with good conscience, object to this traditionally sexually taboo behavior.   They, along with much of the American public, have allowed legal activist and the federal courts to remove any consideration for moral and Judean-Christian values from the playing deck.  As a result, Americans have allowed themselves to be stripped of the right to play the morality card, under any condition.  So today, where human rights issues are concerned; there’s a long line assembling.  But the passage way – once secured by a door hinged on moral and biblical standards – has been removed; allowing access to all who wish to enter.  Their demands have been met.   Their place at the table assured.  

And Dave Cathy, along with his biblical definition for the family unit, has been instructed to sit down and shut up.  Or better yet, leave the room and take that despicable morality door with him, on his way out.

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