Replicated Phraseology, Conjoined Fragments, and Conjured Revelations

When posting the previous talking point, my intent was to continue the line of discussion by looking at each Mormon Article of Faith, individually.  Then with the words and thoughts found in the Book of Mormon, along with the Mormon Doctrine and Covenants (D&C); dispel any reasonable argument which Mormon elders use as a link to bind their belief to true Christian doctrine.

However; after starting my study into the Book of Mormon and the Mormon Doctrine and Covenants, it didn’t take long to realize that these documents are a maze of replicated phraseology, conjoined fragments of Holy Scripture from various Biblical verses, and conjured revelations given by mysterious spiritual beings and deceased Native Americans borne from an ancient Jewish lineage.  Shortly, I found myself caught up in the same entanglement which I had warned others of in an earlier post.

 So I’ve decided it’s better to back off this topic.  However; I do want offer some sort of closure.  John Ankerburg’s web site offers many excellent study resources and various commentaries relating to the Mormon belief.

And if you think about, our time would be better spent studying God’s Word – rather than thrashing about attempting to disprove the obvious

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