Discernment: Examining God’s Blessings

When you feel that God has answered your prayer, don’t take the obvious result as God’s solution to your request. Study what God has provided with a discerning spirit.
In the previous post, the believer looked upon a pile of rubbish as God’s answer to his prayer for shelter from the approaching winter. God is the Creator of all things. He spoke the universe into existence. When answering prayer and providing for our needs; God doesn’t use other people’s leftovers.
What if the believer seeking shelter had stopped, meditated on God, and listened to the Holy Spirit when he came upon the construction site?  When he noticed the pile of rubbish, he may have reasoned, “Father, I see a heap of building scrap. I can see that with the scrap; I could build a temporary shelter. A shelter built with the material would provide me with some relief. But it would be in constant need of repair. And even at its best, the cold wind and blowing rain would find a way through the cracks.”
So now the man has to make a decision from several choices –
1) He could come back to his senses, ask God’s forgiveness for doubting the blessing provided by Him. A blessing so obvious – and build a shelter with the scrap material which God provided.
2) He could come back to his senses, realizing that this situation was not the answer to his prayer – assured that God had prepared a better situation for him somewhere on down the road.
3) He could come back to his senses, make a closer examination of the existing situation, and realize that the answer to his pray was were he stood – but the answer was not the obvious one.

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